Get in touch

Lawrenceburg Area: 812-438-BUGS (2847)
Cincinnati/Northern Ky Office: 513-401-5220

Phone answered by a LICENSED pest control operator

Phone Hours:

Monday-Thursday 8AM-6PM
Friday: 9AM-3PM
Saturday: 8AM – NOON
Sunday & Holidays Closed

Service Hours: Typically the same as Phone Hours above, however, we work for you. Just ask about other hours.  Sat. morning service available with advance appointment request.


Emergency Service: If the animal is not inside your living area, it is not an emergency. The animal will not tear thru your wall no matter what it sounds like in the attic.  An animal inside your garage is not a true emergency at 3AM, just open the door.

We used to provide 24-7 emergency service, but found that most 3AM calls were not true emergencies, sorry.

CALL US: 812-438-BUGS (2847)